Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I've been meaning to post these couple of pictures for a week. The other day I was watching HK for a bit while Betsy went to the Dr. Several times it was quiet - you know what that means - so I went in to check on them. The first time they were sitting very nicely at Kellen's table in his room reading. They both had Dr. Seuss books and were reading to each other. It was very cute. The next time I went in to check on them they were in Keagan's room in an empty tote. I was surprised they both fit in there. They were having a blast though!

No matter what issues they have when they are around each other, Kellen always asks for her to come back to "my house" after she leaves and usually asks for her after his nap. I'm thankful that we have such good friends here in E'ville and that our kids have playmates.

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