Tuesday, March 3, 2009

AAAAH!!!! Not on picture day!!!

Like Aunt Shannon like........
Shannon was known to cut her hair - HERSELF - before an important occasion when she was a child. I specifically remember her cutting a large chunk out of her bangs the night before we were all flower girls in a wedding. So likewise, Kellen has followed in her footsteps!!

We have pictures scheduled for the boys this evening so of course Kellen cuts his hair - quite a lot of it actually - right on the top of his head. We already had his hair trimmed on Sunday evening so it was already short - so no fixing it really. The pictures don't really do it justice.
Kellen did not like all the hair over all his pjs. He even got some in his mouth and of course was gagging up a storm!
Here's a wad of it on a paper towel. That was just what was on the chair. It doesn't count what was on the floor or on the table.
I guess I'll be finding a hat for him to wear tonight. Oh - I forgot to mention this: This was all BEFORE 7:30 am! Hopefully the rest of the day gets better!!

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