Monday, March 30, 2009
More Good News
This morning the Dr. called and told me that the rest of Keagan's labs from last week looked fine. The ultrasound of his liver was fine as well. We are going to have another recheck of his bilirubin level this thursday to make sure it's still coming down. So everything looks pretty good right now. The Dr. said that we could rule out some of the most serious syndromes/disorders but she was still going to run all this by a pediatric gastroenterologist. I'm so thankful he's doing well now. Thank you all for your prayers.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
My New Stroller

I've been looking for a new inline double jogging stroller for awhile now and I finally found one. There aren't many on the market or in stores. This one is made in Spain and highly popular in Europe. I found it online and bought it last week. I was pleasantly surprised this morning when after I got out of the shower, the stroller had been delivered and my sweet husband had it put together already! They said it could take up to 3 weeks to arrive so I was definitely excited. My only disappointment is that it is raining and chilly outside so I couldn't test it out. I did however put both boys in it and take it for a spin inside the house. It really is an awesome stroller - it has almost a 0 degree turning radius. I know most of you reading this probably think "you're crazy" but I don't care. You would be excited too if you could test it out.

Kellen loves it. He wanted to go to the mall this morning to try it out. I almost said yes but I do like to avoid malls on the weekends if at all possible. He's just excited that he and his brother can both ride in it.

Friday, March 27, 2009
We haven't heard all the results from Keagan's tests this past wednesday but the nurse called today and did say that Keagan's total bilirubin level is down to 9.4. He looks better and hopefully on monday we'll find out the results from the liver ultrasound and more labs. Or I guess I could assume that maybe no news is good news? I will keep you all posted. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Bath time
Now that Keagan has graduated his infant "bath tub," I've been putting him in the chair in the big bath tub. Last night we put both boys in together. Kellen really wanted to take a bath with Keagan and show him all the water toys but was too interested in singing the alphabet to pose for a picture with his brother. Oh well.
Don't worry - the pictures are cropped
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I've been meaning to post these couple of pictures for a week. The other day I was watching HK for a bit while Betsy went to the Dr. Several times it was quiet - you know what that means - so I went in to check on them. The first time they were sitting very nicely at Kellen's table in his room reading. They both had Dr. Seuss books and were reading to each other. It was very cute. The next time I went in to check on them they were in Keagan's room in an empty tote. I was surprised they both fit in there. They were having a blast though!
No matter what issues they have when they are around each other, Kellen always asks for her to come back to "my house" after she leaves and usually asks for her after his nap. I'm thankful that we have such good friends here in E'ville and that our kids have playmates.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Pray for Keagan

In case you haven't heard, we have been having problems getting rid of Keagan's jaundice. At his 8 week appt. earlier this week the Dr. ordered to have his bilirubin checked again. She was concerned at how long it was lasting and named a benign disorder that he may have. I took him to the lab on wednesday and got his blood drawn and on friday the Dr. called and said that his bilirubin was 14.3. We were all quite shocked - even the Dr. Anyway, she named some more serious syndromes/disorders or problems that he may have which were much more serious. Some even eventually life-threatening. SO next week he (and I) get to run through a gamet of tests and ultrasounds of his liver.
Please pray that we will find the answers soon and that I will have the strength to get him through these tests. As any mother knows, nothing is more worse than seeing your child in pain of any kind. I will keep you all updated as soon as I find out any more information.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Happy St. Patricks Day - belated!

I feel like I dropped off the face of the earth this week. My computer has been frozen for days now and I'm going stir crazy without it!!!
I had big plans to post some things yesterday but couldn't - anyway, the computer works tonight so I decided to go ahead and blog about my favorite little leprechaun - Keagan.
My sister Shannon made this adorable little onesie for Keagan that he sported to the doctor's office on St. Patricks Day.
SOOO, here are Keagan's stats:
8 weeks old
13 lbs
24 inches
sleeping about 6 hours straight at night - hoping for longer stretches soon
dark blue eyes
I thnk he's in the 85 percentile for height and weight.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Musical Beds

Lately, Kellen has been the master of stalling at nap time and espescially bed time. It is a constant battle for him to stay in bed during the middle of the night (although the last 2 nights he has stayed in bed). He mastered climbing into Keagan's crib (OH NO!) and now likes to sleep on his top bunk in his room - anything but his own bed. We have bribed, spanked, taken trains away, name it. I think he is finally understanding that Keagan will be out of our room soon. Now I'm worried that once Keagan is in his own room, then Kellen will climb into the crib during the night with Keagan. aaaaaahh!! What to do!?!?!
On a lighter note Mom and Dad came for the weekend. Kellen always enjoys their company and was so excited that they brought Oscar (their dog) with them. Of course, I didn't get any pictures. Friday night Karsten and I went to get massages and went out to eat while Mom and Dad watched the kids. Dad, Karsten, and Kellen went to Chuck E. Cheese's on Saturday morning while Mom, Keagan, and I did some serious shopping. Sunday they took us out to eat at Cracker Barrell. Thanks Mom and Dad for a great weekend!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
That was fun!!
My Aunt Beth and Cousin Lesley came to visit yesterday and today. Beth had not seen Keagan yet so her and Lesley made the trip over to E'ville. I was glad for their company and help. Beth took us out to Texas Roadhouse last night and this morning we all went for a stroller and wagon ride. Kellen really enjoyed them and kept saying "that was fun!!" after they left. It was so cute. He just kept walking over to the front door waving by to them and coming over to me saying that he had so much fun.

Beth and Keagan hanging out

Lesley and Kellen doing some serious artwork. Kellen received water guns, m&ms, sidewalk chalk and a football. So outside last night they played good guy bad guy and shot the water guns at each other and me.

I think Bailey enjoyed the pink sidewalk chalk!

Oh and of course the sandbox!

Kellen is really into the sand now - I guess because he's not barefoot he doesn't mind it!
Thanks Beth and Lesley for coming to visit us and taking us out to eat and for the gifts!! Kellen wants to know when he can see you again!

Beth and Keagan hanging out

Lesley and Kellen doing some serious artwork. Kellen received water guns, m&ms, sidewalk chalk and a football. So outside last night they played good guy bad guy and shot the water guns at each other and me.

I think Bailey enjoyed the pink sidewalk chalk!

Oh and of course the sandbox!

Kellen is really into the sand now - I guess because he's not barefoot he doesn't mind it!
Thanks Beth and Lesley for coming to visit us and taking us out to eat and for the gifts!! Kellen wants to know when he can see you again!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A sneak peek
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
AAAAH!!!! Not on picture day!!!
Like Aunt Shannon like........
Shannon was known to cut her hair - HERSELF - before an important occasion when she was a child. I specifically remember her cutting a large chunk out of her bangs the night before we were all flower girls in a wedding. So likewise, Kellen has followed in her footsteps!!
We have pictures scheduled for the boys this evening so of course Kellen cuts his hair - quite a lot of it actually - right on the top of his head. We already had his hair trimmed on Sunday evening so it was already short - so no fixing it really. The pictures don't really do it justice.
Kellen did not like all the hair over all his pjs. He even got some in his mouth and of course was gagging up a storm!
Here's a wad of it on a paper towel. That was just what was on the chair. It doesn't count what was on the floor or on the table.
I guess I'll be finding a hat for him to wear tonight. Oh - I forgot to mention this: This was all BEFORE 7:30 am! Hopefully the rest of the day gets better!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
And Bradley too

Aunt Morgan and Uncle Luke came over this weekend to keep me and the boys company while Karsten was on call. It was really nice to see them and of course Bradley too. Bradley is their little Shih Tzu puppy that Kellen adores. I think that Kellen likes Bradley more than he likes his own two dogs. After they left and for a couple of days after, Kellen kept asking when he would get to see Bradley again. (He wants to see morgan and luke again too of course).
Uncle Luke and Keagan - Luke looks a little unsure about this.
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