Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kade at 16 months

My dear Kade, I feel like I blinked and all of a sudden you are a little boy.  Your babiness is slipping through my fingers at lightning-fast speed.  That makes me sad...especially if you are our last baby.

You have an obsession with shoes.  You love to get everyone's shoes and bring them to them - any time of the day.  You know which shoes belong to whom and you attempt to put them on your feet.

You run down the hallway saying "shooz, shooz"

You also love to put them on your hands.

To say you are busy is an understatement.  You can reach the light switches and you think it's funny to run into the bathroom and turn off the light while I'm in the's not funny!

This past month your vocabulary has really taken off.  Your favorite word right now is moon.  You say it a 1000 times a day.  You love the moon and want someone to take you outside all the time so you can look at it. If I could pull it down for you I would buddy.

You LOVE your mommy.  You are super attached to me but at the same time go to everyone.

This is what has developed this month and I think it's the sweetest thing.  Do you see the tiniest bit of curl? You're probably thinking "so what?" Well, coming from a family of stick straight fine hair - this is huge!

Look at that - I mean - how precious!

Kade - I love you buddy! You bring much joy to our home.  You are starting to show a little temper/frustration when you can't get things right or when someone takes something from you...And you've already picked up some bad habits from older siblings. However, you are so cuddly and I love you to pieces!!

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