Sunday, September 25, 2011

Caged Animal

Ever since we have moved, our kitchen table and chairs and desk have been declared (by the kids) a obstacle course zone.  Prior to us moving, the kids hardly ever played under the table.  After we moved we bought a new desk and chair and the little boys were CONSTANTLY underneath it - including messing with all the wires from the computer.

This particular day Kade and Keagan were chasing each other through the above-said items.  I think Kade decided this was his spot and no one was going to make him move.

Then Keagan decided he was a caged animal and he was going to squash him. I think Kade was thinking  "oh yeah? you're not going to make me move!"

I'll step on you with my giant two-year-old foot!

Mommy he's getting closer with that giant foot!

Obviously it was still early enough in the morning because they still had their pjs on.  But it could've been one of THOSE mornings. But hey -  The baby was released and safe from harm.  I love seeing their imaginations come to life.

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