Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Helpfully unhelpfull

I am way behind on my blogging....so hopefully over the next few days I will get caught up.

I do have a new maid though. Keagan has taken up to a few house hold chores.

He loves feeding the dogs. One kernel at a time. I've pretty much given up trying to keep him from playing with the food. I was tired of fighting him.

Just a little further and I've got one more piece for the doggies!!

I know I know I'm not supposed to be doing this....but I love it!

Keagan is obsessed with the swiffer. He loves to push it around everywhere and has an absolute fit when I'm cleaning. He doesn't want to wait until I'm done.

Oh the adventures of a 17 month old!

1 comment:

  1. Only if he wasn't so darn precious...

