Friday, December 10, 2010

Kade is 5 months!

Oh my sweet boy - I cannot believe 5 months have passed already!  Last night I was trying to take pictures of your chubby knees while holding you up at the same time....well it was difficult and Kellen decided to take over for me.  So these next few are courtesty of Kellen's photography skills.

Mama and Kade

OH how I am lovin' those legs.

Oh you make my heart melt....

You are practicing sitting up supported by the boppy pillow and are doing a pretty good job.  You love to be up and looking around.  You don't last long on your back.

This month we have made great strides in your napping abilities.  You now take usually 2 good naps and then about 11-12 hours at night.  You are nursing 4 times a day now and are taking solids like a champ! We have started cereal, veggies, and some fruit and so far you haven't met one that you didn't like. 

You get very frustrated when you can't get something into your mouth.  There are several things that are attached on the exersaucer and you whine and whine when you can't lift it up or pull it out to put into your mouth.

You are such a blessing in our lives and we all adore you and are so thankful for you.  Can't wait to see how you react to your first Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Brooke I can't believe how big he has gotten! I love seeing what we have to look forward to about 10 weeks later. I am so bummed we didn't get to come Wednesday....HK cried. It was the end of the world. Looking forward to the retake!
