Of course at the end of last week we welcomed another round of germs in our house. Keagan had a 103 temp wednesday and thursday and then Kellen caught it saturday. No other symptoms besides a fever and an overwheming I just don't feel good kind of feeling. So Sunday we skipped church and kept the germs to ourselves and by sunday evening Kellen was feeling much better.
Keagan practicing his "I like to stand but not take any steps" stance.
13 months today!!!!
Many days of the week Keagan stands at the patio doors and bangs on the glass desperate to go outside. I feel so bad that it's too cold out most days. He really enjoyed playing on the playhouse for really the first time.

Keagan's 13 month marker was also celebrated with his first ride on the GATOR!! Daddy made a makeshift seatbelt for him so he wouldn't fall out..... for some reason he couldn't master the hang on tight!! I think he'll catch on soon!
Keagan's 13 month marker was also celebrated with his first ride on the GATOR!! Daddy made a makeshift seatbelt for him so he wouldn't fall out..... for some reason he couldn't master the hang on tight!! I think he'll catch on soon!
Kellen was making faces at Keagan while we were talking to a neighbor and I tried to catch it on camera.