Keagan has been quite a little busy-body since he started crawling. He's already pulling up to everything and has even climbed onto Kellen's trampoline. I'm really going to have to start being more careful about things that are left out. Here are some of the adventures he's been on lately:

Keagan found the tassles on one of my pillows. He managed to pull apart the entire thing. I knew it was too quiet.

"No Mommy - I didn't do it!!!

This one speaks for itself.

His favorite new toy

And Kellen's new toy. He got a insect catcher from Nana Dudley this past weekend. He hasn't caught one insect or fish with it. Perhaps you can see why - there are much BIGGER fish inside.

"Seriously mommy??"

He loves to pull himself up to the window - especially to see the dogs when they are outside.

The other day it took Keagan an hour and a half to fall asleep for his afternoon nap because he had learned how to stand in his crib. He kept screaming and laughing....and I kept going in there to help him back down. Then I gave up and decided he was going to learn how to get himself back down. He fell sleep sitting like this. Needless to say we lowered his crib last night.

He also loves the trashcan. Good thing it just had newspapers on the top.

I have since banned this activity but I had to get a picture at least one time.