Kids can drive you absolutely crazy one minute and melt your heart the next. It was a melt your mommy's heart moment. Today out of the blue Kellen came up to me, wrapped his arms around my neck and said "mommy, you're my best friend - let's take a picture." It was absolutely adorable. (I've never called him or asked him if he was my best friend so I'm not sure where he got that.) He then pretended that one of the little light up squares on Keagan's exersaucer was a camera. He told me to smile and take a picture. Oh, I love that boy. He is so sweet.
But he's also definitely becoming "all boy." He is really into picking up dead dried up worms and thinks giving them to people as gifts is a wonderful idea. He also loves his John Deere Gator and it can never go fast enough. He says "mommy, I need to go faster." He will then shift the gear into high-gear, but it's still not enough. His latest thing is playing in the muddy crawl dad holes in our back yard. He's always looking or asking for a stick so he can poke the holes. I'm so excited that the weather is nice and am looking forward to the adventures that summer will bring.