Sunday, November 23, 2008

Christmas Decorations - Part 1

This weekend was an eventful weekend. Thursday night, Nana and Poppa Slater came to town. Kellen really enjoyed getting to see them - as did we. Friday night we hung out around home and Karsten and Poppa got all the Christmas decorations down from the attic. It's a little early but it was going to be the only weekend Karsten had free. SO, saturday morning, Nana and Poppa took us out to eat at Cracker Barrel - YUM and then we headed to Home Depot. We got several things done that I have had on my to do list: Thanks to Poppa for bringing his truck so we could get these things done!
1. Bought plywood for the bunk beds in Kellen's room
2. Bought more plywood for flooring in attic
3. Bought our CHRISTMAS TREE!

We were the first to pick out our Christmas Tree at Home Depot - the trees had just arrived the day before and still had snow on them! Kellen didn't care too much as it was freezing yesterday!

After we arrived home, Karsten and Poppa put up the wood on Kellen's bunk beds. We were told to reinforce them - so we figured with the holidays coming, we better get that done since people other than small children might be sleeping on them.

Kellen has really enjoyed the new "bed" because he is able to climb the ladder and put all his toys up there. He says "climb the stairs and play with me" in toddlerese to anyone who enters. He now has all his trains and train tracks up there.
After the beds were put back together, we started on Kellen's tree. Karsten says its a Charlie Brown tree - it does look quite pathetic but we got him new ornaments - you guessed it - truck and tractors - to put on it. Kellen loved it and wanted to put all the ornaments all in one place on the tree.

The tree looks crooked in the picture - it isn't really. But hey - not too shabby for a 25 cents garage sale find!

After Kellen was down for a nap Karsten started putting up the Christmas lights outside and I started decorating the front porch. The outside lights aren't done yet, but here is the finished product so far:

We have more to show you later - so keep checking back!!


  1. awww... we put up our decorations this weekend too... :) Looks like you got a lot accomplished!

  2. Wonderful pictures of Dale and Butch with Kellen. Thanks for putting that one in...They look great!
    Polly and Steve
