Daytona Beach, Florida

Well, we are finally back home from our vacation to Daytona Beach. Although, I will have to say I need a vacation from my vacation. As most of you know hurricaine -or should I say tropical storm Faye - hit Daytona Beach last week while we were there. We had a couple of nice days at the beach and tried to wait out the storm, but soon became bored and tired of being cooped up in the condo. SO we came home early :=(
Since I left most of the picture taking up to my sister Shannon, you'll have to visit her blog to see more pictures, but here are a few that I took. I would have some video shots but my video camera broke while we were there - I am quite bitter about that. But that's another story.

Kellen and Pa - Kellen didn't know what to think of the big crashing waves and the sand.

Kellen was able to spend a lot of time with his Aunts Morgan and Shannon and Uncles Luke and Matt. I think they all got a healthy dose of the beginnings of the terrible two's!! They will never want to go on vacation with us again. haha

Kellen and Nana eating a good 'ol PB and jelly sandwhich on the beach.

After building some sand castles, Kellen became very frustrated with the sand in between his toes - sorry to tell ya buddy but that may take years to get out!!!!

On one of the rainy days, we decided to visit a local chocolate factory. Kellen was begging for a piece of chocolate (a dark chocolate peanut cluster no less) so I gave in and bought him one. He ate the whole thing (well, actually he wore most of it) Hmm, that shirt is ruined!