(my new wreath - I had to make a new one as the old one was suprisingly destroyed by melting candles in my harvest decor box up in the attic. Duh - I should have known it would be 200 degrees up there!!!)
Today Kellen and I along with our good friends Betsy and Hallie Kate Oldham and Lauren Rivera went to a local apple orchard and pumpkin patch. We bought fresh apple cider, pumpkins, and best of all went apple picking. Kellen unfortunately didn't have as good a time as he kept getting grass and dirt in his crocs (as some of you know he does NOT like things between his toes or dirt on his feet).

Hallie Kate and Kellen picking out "baby pumpkins"

Kellen and Lauren. This is where it all went downhill - I should have put his tennis shoes on! Oh well, the rest of us had fun even though he cried the entire time. Poor thing.