I knew the boys were playing in the extra large dirt pile by the pond. I had already warned them that I was not going to let them change clothes either - at least not until they were ready to come inside. I was attempting to pack and catch up on laundry before our Disney World trip and I REALLY didn't want extra laundry to do.
The boys obviously had gotten a little muddy while playing in the dirt pile and they wanted to wash their shoes off. Yeah right. They wanted to get soaked.
I went inside for a few minutes to check on Kade, who was still napping.
And this is what I saw when I came back out...Keagan completely submerged in a mud bath, with his clothes on and Kellen completely naked...(I will spare you those pics).

So if you are wondering whether or not I gave in and gave them new clothes.....I will have you know I DID NOT give in...Daddy made them go naked out by the woods and hung the muddy wet clothes out by the fire. Good thing we live in the country! The clothes dried pretty quickly and they had fun doing what boys like to do.